Saturday, 5 May 2012

May Challenge

"Spring rain
leaking through the roof
dripping from the wasps' nest."
- Matsuo Basho

 Much of England is experiencing drought conditions, despite torrential rain ever since it was announced!  I found this quotation, and thought it might be an interesting challenge for May.  There are no restrictions to this, other than that you use a spunbonded fabric.  Good luck!  The challenge ends on 31 May 2012. Feel free to ask any technical questions you might have; if I can't answer them, perhaps someone else will!


Unknown said...

You have sucked me in Marion! I'll give it a go! How am I going to sleep while I design!

PS I might use Lithograph paper and do a mini tutorial for you on the process - What do you think?

artmixter said...

Yes please!
ps mwahahahah! Ahem...I mean, welcome to the challenge ;-)

DIAN said...

This is a fascinating theme and has me thinking of what I can do.

Felicity said...

great challenge! i'm in :)