Sunday, 19 February 2012

Magic Mooncat... an occasional series of quiltlets.  Those of you who read my other blogs will know I share my life with four cats, so it seemed reasonable to pay homage to them (even though I don't have a white one...).  I love making these little quilts, and they are great fun.  This one is Autumn Evening.

Most people use spun bonded fabrics as the primary fabric in their work, myself included.  But I wanted the idea of a ghost cat, a magic mooncat, so he is made from Lutradur 70 and placed onto a quilt made from scraps of commercial fabric, and a border of my hand dyes.  You can see from both the images that you can see through the cat to the background quilt, which gives that mysterious feel.  Is he there, is he not?  What do you think?

What is there, of course, is cat hair.  The real stuff.  It, and they, get everywhere, and like nothing better than sitting on a quilt.  Especially when it has a cat on it already....


Angela said...

I love this Marion...I love to work in a series too and did the same as you a couple of years ago with my Jonathan Livingston Seagull series. I cut the gull from Lutradur 70 and stitched it to the fabric background. It's an effective look :o)
Here are my pieces... will have to scroll down a little way...

Anonymous said...

Tis lovely indeed

Sandra Wyman said...

Love it - as owner of a now ex cat, Bixy, who I'm sure reappears on visits as a ghost from time to time!